Organic Lavender Farms

Lily Bee Lavender Farms grow exquisitely fragrant true lavender, organically grown in the heart of Santa Barbara County and in France profonde.

Lily's fresh-dried lavender is offered in bunches and in buds (florets). Our lavender is popular with weddings, festivals, culinary use, fine linens, specialty shops, incense, and for your health.

Products: (retail prices / wholesale prices)

Dried (fresh) lavender bunch (120 stems) each: $12 / $8
Dried (fresh) lavender bunches (10) case: $100 / $50
Lavender sheaf (contains 1,200 stems) each: $90 / $45
Lavender sticks - used as firestarter or incense (contains 1,200 sticks): $10 / $5

Lavender florets: $40 per pound / $25 per pound
Lavender gift bag: $25 each

Lily Bee Lavande 1 oz. tins: $2 each
Lily Bee Lavande 2 oz. tins: $4 each

Wedding Lavender 1 oz. tins (with custom label for your wedding): $2 each
(throw lavender instead of rice)

Our Lavender Story

All our lavender products are available until supplies run out.
Our products are most available after harvest time, which normally
occurs in summer between the months of June and July.

To order,
e-mail Lily at: EnchantedLilium @ Yahoo . com

Other Lily Bee products:
Redball Bandelier Parfums
Redball French Country Antiques
Redball Lily Bee original watercolour paintings
Redball Lily Bee's new book on French Country Culture

Links to other California lavender growers:
Redball Andre Organic Lavender Farm
Redball Clairmont Farms lavender farm
Redball Cuyama Valley Lavender

Copyright © 1997-2010 Lily Bee